exploring the outdoors at home & afar

Hi! Welcome to My Backyard & Beyond, where I review hikes, campgrounds, swimming holes, and other fun outdoor adventures for all ages.

I’m Ruth Ann, a working mom living in Seattle with my husband, two boys, and one golden retriever. It’s my passionate belief that the outdoors are for everyone, and I hope this site encourages you to get out and explore, whether that means taking a walk in a local park or undertaking an epic road trip.

Before we go any further, I also want to acknowledge that not all have equal access to nature and outdoor spaces. Economic differences, race, gender, physical abilities, and more all have a significant impact on access. While I realize that not everyone will be able to experience everything I cover on this site, I hope that by including a wide range of options there will be something here for everyone, even armchair travelers.

And, perhaps most importantly, let’s work to welcome everyone into the outdoor community. Let’s lift up and affirm other voices and make the outdoors a place where we can enjoy not only the beauty of nature, but the best of humanity, too.